The Bent Spoon!!!

The Bent Spoon

The Bent Spoon

So last Friday the first issue of The Bent Spoon was released.  I have received a lot of positive feedback and comments (which I love).  If anyone would like to subscribe to receive a free copy every month in their inbox, just send an email to and in the subject line type “subscribe” and you will be added to the list. 

The Bent Spoon is a skeptical magazine for the true believer.  Within its pages you will find Q&A between those with opposing viewpoints, interviews with leading investigators and thinkers, as well as articles which will not only provide in-depth analysis, but also be critical of both believers and skeptics alike.  Along with reviews, comic strips, and other lighter fare, The Bent Spoon hopes to foster an attitude of outreach, forming a middle ground where believers and skeptics can come together and have a conversation about the issues and questions we’ve all given thought to.

Please tell your friends and leave feedback, we would love to hear from you!  

If you havent subscribed and would like to read issue 01, just click this link Bentspoon issue001