BIO STATION ALPHA FOUND ON MARS!!!!  At least that is what amateur astronomer David Martines is saying.  What exactly is Bio Station Alpha?  Well it is something astounding that Martines found while scanning Google Mars.  Martines is claiming that this formation (which he himself named Bio Station Alpha) is at least 700ft long and 150ft wide and that it is definitely cylindrical, he is also making that claim that is positive evidence for extraterrestrials.  

Martines says “It could be a power station or it could be a biological containment or it could be a glorified garage — hope it’s not a weapon.”

Why is it when people see something like this, common sense goes bye-bye?  An obscure structure is seen and people appeal to extraterrestrials.  Here is a perfectly legit RATIONAL EXPLAINATION – It is a pixilated rock or mountain formation.

Sad News For S.E.T.I.

The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence or S.E.T.I. has sadly announced that due to government cut backs, it has to put the search on hold, due to the lack of funding.   The 42 dish radio telescope that is located in California will be put into hibernation where maintenance will be performed, but observations will not be made.

Interview on Haunted Voices Radio

On April 8th, 2011 I was invited to be a guest on a radio program called Haunted Voices to discuss what made me a believer in paranormal phenomena and what turned me into a skeptic.  Before I was interviewed, James “The Amazing” Randi was also on the program, so I left it all in for your listening pleasure.   

You can listen directly by going to: or you can right click the link and save as.