Interview with sociologist Dr. Christopher Bader

In this interview Jason Korbus and I speak to Dr. Christopher Bader. Bader is a professor of Sociology at Baylor University, specializing in the sociology of religion, criminology, and deviant behavior. He, along with colleagues F. Carson Mencken and Joseph O. Baker are the authors of “Paranormal America,” which claims to provide the “definitive portrait of Americans who believe in or have experienced” paranormal phenomena. You can find out more information by visiting online at: WWW.PARANORMALAMERICABOOK.COM

This was a very fascinating interview.  To download or listen to this interview go to: (to download right click and save as.)

“Anatomy of a Bigfoot Hoax” DVD Review

Shortly after conducting the interview with Tom Biscardi I received an email from one of Tom’s “people” offering to send me a review copy of the “Anatomy of a Bigfoot Hoax” DVD.  The interview can be heard by going to

Let me just start off by saying Tom Biscardi is very full of himself and this DVD shows this.  For the first 15 minutes all we see is Tom blabbing about irrelevant nonsense which will quickly lose the attention of anyone watching, I literally had to force myself to pay attention.  Finally after a multitude of terrible transitions we see Tom Biscardi and/or JavaBob sitting in front of a black backdrop telling the same story, almost word for word, that Tom shared on Strange Frequencies. 

Now in the interview I conducted with Tom, I was told that everything he was saying was videotaped and was in the DVD.  I must say that this is an absolute lie, there is about a total of 10 minutes of actual footage and none of it was part of this grand story Tom told on SFR.  No shots of him being blind folded, no shots of this “scary” car ride, no shots of the men with Uzi’s, no shots of the private helicopter, no shots of any of the scientists or people who tested the material that labeled it half man half primate, basically everything that Tom said was “all in the movie” wasn’t in the movie.

We do however see a phone call that was supposed to have been videotaped in 2008.   This is video of JavaBob breaking the news to Tom that the Bigfoot was just a costume.  Though I can’t be 100% sure, I believe that this was faked for the film.  I say this because JavaBob looks exactly the same as he does during the interview portions which were shot in present time.  It was easy to compare, being that there was footage of JavaBob from 2008 and they simply do not match side by side.  Also the footage from this “phone call in 08” was shot with the same camera the documentary was shot with and not the camera that the footage from 2008 was shot with.  It literally looks like JavaBob changed his shirt and staged the phone call.  But the one thing that hung out in my mind was after the phone call was over JavaBob looks at the camera and says “We didn’t hoax anything.”

There are also a few sketchy portions of the film where other phone calls were made, supposedly to Matt Whitton and Rick Dyer, none of which can be confirmed that either was on the phone at that time.  Again this footage was shot with the same quality of film that this documentary was shot with and not the camera all the other 2008 footage was shot with. 

In all I thought this was a lame attempt at Tom Biscardi to try and reconcile his credibility as a Bigfoot hunter.  This video is nothing what Tom makes it out to be, it is just his words, his story and from what I can gather it is not truthful at all.  It looks rehearsed and some footage looks staged, typical Tom Biscardi, I wouldn’t expect anything more.

Interview with Bigfoot Hunter Tom Biscardi

Here is a recent interview I conducted with Tom Biscardi.  Tom Biscardi is one of the most controversial names among Fortean enthusiasts. You can’t Google him without the words fraud, hoax, and liar appearing in the search results. In this interview he will answer his critics and tell, what he says, is the “true story” behind the Georgia Bigfoot Hoax.

Direct download: