My Interview on Mind Cemetery

On 6/6/11 I was a guest on Mind Cemetery Radio with hosts Chip and Nicole Plescher.  Here is an overview Nicole wrote about the show.

“We had an AWESOME time with Bobby Nelson last time… well, I did!  Chip’s world got rocked up a little bit.  I ❤ Skeptic month!  In honor of skeptical month, pay homage to skeptical hippo  🙂  

Anyway, Bobby is what I would consider to be a good guy skeptic.  After last night’s discussion, I admire him almost as much as admire Penn after his skepticism letter.  It was a fun show.  Listen in below!

Bobby’s biggest complaint about the paranormal community is when people bastardize science into fitting their needs.  He co-hosts Strange Frequencies Radio, which airs on Sundays from 3-6PM EST.  He also has an awesome blog called Pork Rhine and he is the founder and contributor of Bent Spoon Magazine which is smart, insightful, and amazing.  Check out Bent Spoon if you have a minute… it really appeals to believers and non-believers alike.”

I must admit, this was one of my favorite shows I have ever been on.

To download this interview right click on the link and save as: